Ildeniz Bekaslan, M.Sc

Emerging talent in Data Science with Financial Controlling and Budgeting experience.

Forecasting Rossmann Store Sales

In this project, the next 60 days of Rossmann's (Germany) average daily sales have been predicted using time series analysis and hybrid boosting with a Root Mean Square Percentage Error: 0.1774.
Forecasting by using the SARIMAX approach is underway.

Web Scraping for Anime Recommendation System

As a fellow anime fan, I wanted to make an anime recommendation system as a portfolio project.
To achieve this, I created a web scraper by using Jikan (時間) REST API to scrap 2334 TV anime productions data between 2010-2022 and 86269 individual users' data from the most used online anime and manga catalogue myanimelist[DOT]net.

Glass Type Classification
with machine learning

In this project, I applied multiple machine learning models on oxide content and reflexion index values of various glasses and classify them through 7 types of glasses. The most accurate model appeared as Extra Trees Classifier with 0.82 accuracy score.


- ChatGPT Prompt in Action: An End-to-End Generic DS Project

- Anime Recommendation System Through Hybrid Clustering

- Deep-Learning project using Tensorflow/PyTorch